Category: Uncategorized


Um, Tasty

What makes a meal taste good? To begin our quest, let us delve into the realm of music, I feel quite at home there so this is just me being me. Taste is like...


Reflections on My Happiest Memory

Ah, memories! Those cherished moments that shape our lives and bring warmth to our hearts. As I sit here, reminiscing about my happiest memory, I cannot help but marvel at the beauty of life...


The Rise of Pop Art

Let’s take a journey back in time, to the vibrant era when pop art burst onto the scene. Can you feel it? This artistic movement, which emerged in the mid-1950s, challenged traditional notions of...


What’s In a Name?

What’s in a name? It’s a question that has perplexed philosophers, poets, and parents for centuries. A name carries weight, it holds meaning, and it can shape our perceptions of ourselves and others. Just...


Painting? Here Is How I Got Better

Thin paint sticks to thick paint. Similar terminology you may read is “Fat over lean”. Same idea: Fat paint (that has a lot of stuff in it) with stick to lean paint (that is...


iTunes is Getting Tuned Up

iTunes has a lot of problems, and I will be the first to complain about the bloated crapware it has become. I am not talking about the desktop iTunes yet, it has been ages...